Starting Your Own Religious Cult: The Best Way to Do It

Starting a cult or a new religious movement is not an easy task. However, history has shown that it is possible to create a new religion and gain a significant following. Scientology, founded by L. Ron Hubbard, and Aum Shinrikyo, founded by Shoko Asahara, are two well-known examples of successful cults. But what is the best way to start your own religious cult?

Before starting a new religious movement, it is essential to have a clear vision of your beliefs and values. It is also crucial to have a charismatic leader who can inspire and attract followers. L. Ron Hubbard and Shoko Asahara both had strong personalities and were able to convince people to join their movements. However, it is important to note that their methods were controversial.

Creating a cult or a new religious movement can be a dangerous undertaking. It is essential to approach the task with caution and to avoid making exaggerated or false claims. The best way to start your own religious cult is to focus on building a community of like-minded individuals who share your beliefs and values. It is also important to be transparent about your intentions and to avoid using manipulative tactics to attract followers.

Understanding Religious Cults

Definition of a Religious Cult

A religious cult is a group or organization that has a set of beliefs and practices that are often considered unorthodox or outside the mainstream. Cults are often led by charismatic leaders who have complete control over their followers. The term “cult” is often used in a negative way, but not all cults are harmful or dangerous.

Characteristics of a Religious Cult

There are several characteristics that are commonly associated with religious cults:

  • Charismatic leader: Cults are often led by charismatic leaders who have a strong personality and are able to attract followers.
  • Isolation: Cults often isolate their members from the outside world, cutting them off from family and friends who may not share their beliefs.
  • Control: Cult leaders often have complete control over their followers, dictating what they can and cannot do, and often using fear and intimidation to maintain their control.
  • Financial exploitation: Cults often require their members to give large amounts of money to the organization, often under the guise of tithing or donations.
  • Recruitment tactics: Cults often target vulnerable individuals, such as college students or those going through a difficult time in their lives, and use high-pressure tactics to recruit them.

It is important to note that not all groups that exhibit these characteristics are necessarily cults, and that there are many legitimate religious organizations that may share some of these traits. However, if you are considering starting your own religious cult, it is important to be aware of these potential pitfalls and to take steps to avoid them.

Recruiting College Kids and Making Money from Cult Members

While we do not condone or support the formation of religious cults, it is important to note that many cults have targeted college students as potential recruits. Some of the tactics that cults have used to recruit college students include:

  • Offering free food or other incentives to attend meetings or events
  • Using high-pressure tactics to convince students to join the group
  • Targeting students who are going through a difficult time in their lives, such as a breakup or family problems

It is important to be aware of these tactics and to avoid groups that use them. If you are approached by a group that seems suspicious or that makes you feel uncomfortable, trust your instincts and avoid them.

As for making money from cult members, many cults require their members to give large amounts of money to the organization, often under the guise of tithing or donations. This is often a way for the cult leader to enrich themselves at the expense of their followers. If you are considering starting your own religious organization, it is important to be transparent about your financial practices and to avoid any practices that could be considered exploitative.

Factors to Consider Before Starting a Religious Cult

Personal Motivations

Starting a religious cult is a serious undertaking that requires careful consideration of personal motivations. It is important to reflect on why you want to start a cult and what you hope to achieve. Some common motivations for starting a cult include a desire for power, a need for a sense of belonging, or a belief in a particular ideology or philosophy.

Before starting a cult, it is important to consider whether your motivations are genuine and whether they align with your values and beliefs. Starting a cult solely for personal gain or to manipulate others is unethical and can have serious consequences.

Legal Implications

Starting a cult can have legal implications, and it is important to be aware of the laws and regulations that govern religious organizations. In the United States, religious organizations are tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, but they are also subject to certain reporting requirements and restrictions on political activity.

It is also important to be aware of laws related to fraud, coercion, and abuse. Cult leaders have been prosecuted for a variety of crimes, including fraud, sexual abuse, and even murder.

Ethical Considerations

Starting a cult raises a number of ethical considerations. Cult leaders have been criticized for exploiting vulnerable individuals, promoting dangerous or harmful beliefs, and engaging in abusive behavior.

It is important to consider the potential harm that your cult could cause and to take steps to protect your members. This includes being transparent about your beliefs and practices, providing opportunities for members to leave the cult, and avoiding harmful or dangerous practices.

When recruiting college kids, it is important to target individuals who are vulnerable or seeking a sense of belonging. This can include students who are struggling with personal or academic issues, or who are new to the area and looking for friends.

To recruit college kids, it is important to offer a sense of community and belonging, as well as opportunities for personal growth and self-improvement. This can include offering free meditation classes, hosting social events, or providing mentorship and guidance.

Methods for making money from cult members include soliciting donations, selling merchandise, and charging fees for services or events. It is important to be transparent about how the money will be used and to avoid exploiting members for financial gain.

It is also important to be aware of laws related to financial fraud and to ensure that all financial transactions are legal and above board.

Steps to Starting a Religious Cult

Developing Your Beliefs and Practices

The first step in starting a religious cult is to develop your beliefs and practices. This involves creating a set of core beliefs that will serve as the foundation of your cult. You should also develop a set of practices that will help your members to live in accordance with these beliefs. This could include things like meditation, prayer, or other rituals.

Recruiting Members

Once you have developed your beliefs and practices, the next step is to recruit members. One effective way to do this is to target college students. College students are often looking for a sense of community and purpose, making them more receptive to joining a cult. You can recruit college students by setting up booths on campus or by attending campus events.

Establishing a Hierarchy

As your cult grows, it will be important to establish a hierarchy. This will allow you to maintain control over your members and ensure that they are following your beliefs and practices. You should establish a clear chain of command, with you at the top. This will allow you to delegate responsibilities and ensure that your cult is running smoothly.

Creating a Sense of Community

Another important aspect of starting a religious cult is creating a sense of community. This can be achieved by organizing group activities, such as retreats or volunteer events. You should also encourage your members to form close relationships with one another, as this will help to solidify their commitment to your cult.

Raising Funds

Finally, you will need to raise funds to support your cult. One effective way to do this is to require your members to make regular donations. You can also sell merchandise, such as t-shirts or books, to your members. Additionally, you can hold fundraising events, such as bake sales or auctions, to raise money for your cult.

Maintaining Your Religious Cult

Leadership and Communication

As the leader of your cult, it is important to maintain a strong presence and communicate effectively with your members. You should regularly hold meetings and events to keep your members engaged and connected with the cult’s mission. Make sure to set clear expectations for behavior and participation, and be firm but fair when enforcing rules. Encourage open communication and feedback, but be prepared to make difficult decisions when necessary.

Managing Finances

Money is a crucial aspect of maintaining any organization, and your cult is no exception. You should establish a system for collecting donations and managing finances. Consider setting up a membership fee or asking for regular contributions from your members. Be transparent about how the money is being used and provide regular updates to your members. It is important to avoid any illegal or unethical financial practices that could harm your cult’s reputation.

Handling Internal Conflicts

Internal conflicts are inevitable in any organization, and your cult is no exception. It is important to address conflicts quickly and effectively to prevent them from escalating. Encourage open communication and mediation, but be prepared to make difficult decisions if necessary. Consider establishing a code of conduct or conflict resolution process to guide your members in resolving disputes.

Expanding Your Cult

If you want to grow your cult, you will need to recruit new members. Consider targeting college students or other young adults who may be looking for a sense of community or purpose. Use social media and other online platforms to reach a wider audience. Offer free events or workshops to attract new members. Once you have a solid base of members, consider offering advanced training or leadership opportunities to keep them engaged and motivated.

Another important aspect of expanding your cult is finding ways to make money from your members. Consider offering exclusive merchandise or services to members who contribute a certain amount of money. You could also offer paid workshops or classes to members who want to deepen their involvement in the cult. Just be sure to avoid any illegal or unethical financial practices that could harm your cult’s reputation.


Starting a religious cult can be a daunting task, but it can also be a rewarding experience if done correctly. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a cult that is both successful and profitable.

One important aspect of starting a cult is recruiting members. College campuses are a great place to find vulnerable individuals who are looking for a sense of belonging. By targeting college kids, you can easily find people who are searching for something to believe in and are willing to follow a charismatic leader.

Once you have recruited members, it’s important to keep them engaged and committed to your cause. One effective way to do this is by creating a sense of community and belonging within the cult. Encourage members to spend time together and participate in group activities. This will help them feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves.

Another important aspect of starting a cult is making money. Cult members can be a valuable source of income if you know how to exploit them. One way to do this is by charging membership fees or requiring donations from members. You can also sell merchandise or offer services to members for a fee.

However, it’s important to remember that exploiting cult members is unethical and can lead to legal trouble. Always be transparent about your intentions and avoid making exaggerated or false claims about the benefits of joining your cult.

In conclusion, starting a religious cult can be a complex process, but it can also be a lucrative venture if done correctly. By following the steps outlined in this article and being transparent with your members, you can create a successful and profitable cult.

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