Expert Network Review: BCC Global

BCC – Business Connect China – is a Chinese Focused expert network. They are a leading resource for international firms who want to learn more about the Chinese market. They also have a presence in India and other emerging markets.

Expert Network Services

If you’ve been contacted by an expert network firm such as BCC Global , you’ve been recognized as an industry expert. As a subject matter expert, your job is to share your expertise and information on your industry with clients such as investment management firms, institutional investors, hedge funds, and management consulting firms.

If you’re invited to an expert interview, there are a few things to keep in mind. Your typical subject matter expert consultation will consist of a client wanting to get insight into a new industry, to supplement their primary research before they make big decisions. Unlike an independent consultant or consulting firm, you will likely not interact much with this client again after the first expert consultation, but there are exceptions.

Something else to keep in mind is compliance. You might have a primary employer, and have access to confidential information about the industry or competition. You must keep this in mind, and avoid sharing that confidential information, especially with publicly traded companies, to maintain compliance with insider trading regulations.

As BCC Global is China-based, chances are you are an industry expert on Chinese markets, or at least have extensive expertise or experience in dealing with them. The consulting firm or investor that is your client is likely looking for insight into this area, and your job is to provide it to them in the most efficient way possible. These expert interviews are designed to be a crash course in the subject, which is a little bit different in this case.

As most of their clients are looking for help with international industries and markets in China, BCC Global has some specific expert network services. Their services include:

  • Telephone expert consultations
  • Face to Face Meetings
  • “Field Trips” to China
  • Surveys and Focus Groups

To apply to work with them as an expert, read the instructions here.

For Guidance on Setting Consulting Rates, check out our main expert network article.

Raise Your Profile – Other Expert Networks (Signup Links)

If you’re interested in raising your profile as an expert, run through the list below and sign up for the networks which are relevant to your skills and geography.

Got Perspective?

Do you work for BCC Global? Work with BCC Global?

Drop us a line and share your perspective on their services!

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